Small projects for Junior Developers
Help Junior developers get hired by sharing small projects they can work on to build their resume with paid work.
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Start on the Docs index page:
Use the 'Guides Index' drop down menu in the top right to navigate to any other guide.
Hit back button in browser
BUG: when you try to use the 'Guides Index' dropdown it no longer functions
need golang code that does stripe payments
Call Stacking is the easiest way for new engineers to understand your large codebase . Onboarding a new engineer in a day, not weeks.
The current Call Stacking client utilizes a synchronous HTTP post to send the trace data to the server.
Change the client class to utilize an asynchronous request to post the data to the server so that it doesn't block the collection logic.
The client should gracefully retry and fail if it can't reach the server.
We can Zoom to discuss possible solutions and tradeoffs.
For propertywebbuilder, my rails based open source real estate website builder I would like to add documentation about deploying to an alternative provider with a free plan.
Please add a comment in the issue stating what provider you would like to document before starting on this. Thanks.
The current Rails World 2023 website lives at
That needs to be archived to so that we can use /world as a landing page, and the Rails World 2024 site can live at /world/2024 (and all years going forward will follow the same convention).
The folder structure will also need to change so that each Rails World will have it's own folder for speakers and sessions.
Using the same styling as found on the home page, please add the Rails Foundation member logos to the /foundation page.
This is how it should look:[Screenshot 2023-10-03 at 13.22.53.png]
But I can't quite get the padding and coloring right:
[Screenshot 2023-10-03 at 13.24.19.png][Screenshot 2023-10-03 at 13.24.23.png]
I will send the logos, links, and exact location where these should go to the person who gets this assignment.
safe_query is a library designed to raise exceptions when potentially unsafe queries are executed via ActiveRecord. To ignore a false positive, the docs recommend converting the relation to an array first before trying to iterate over the results.
The tests (written in rspec) don't cover this case, so a PR addressing this issue should specifically cover the case where converting to an array with `to_a` does not raise an exception when it normally would
We'd love to be able to tell folks that visit about the FriendlyRB conference. Can you help us with that?