Small projects for Junior Developers

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The conversations index page can get overwhelming after you've had a lot of contact with folks. I'd like a way to make it easier to follow a few important threads without getting bogged down by the rest.
A PR addressing this issue should: 
• Add an Archive button to every conversation
• When clicked, remove the conversation from /conversations
• If any conversations are archived, add a link to the bottom labeled "Archived conversations"
• When clicking this link, visit /conversations/archived and show the archived ones
• Each conversation on this screen should have a Unarchive button that moves it back to /conversations

Created by Joe Masilotti
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Sending emails via Postmark can raise a Postmark::InactiveRecipientError error, indicating that the recipient has disabled emails from RailsDevs. But because the job failed Sidekiq is retrying it over and over again.

A PR addressing this issue should:
• Catch Postmark::InactiveRecipientError errors in ApplicationJob and not queue them for retry

Created by Joe Masilotti
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The admin conversations dashboard lets admins keep up with ongoing conversations happening between businesses and developers.
It's not very obvious what two columns, REPLIED? and EMAIL?, mean.
A PR addressing this issue should:
•  Add a title HTML attribute to the two headers explaining what they do.

The HTML title attribute appears as a tooltip when hovering the element. Use the following titles:
• REPLIED? - The developer has replied to this conversation.
• EMAIL? - The developer mentioned an email address in a reply.

This will most likely require changing the Admin::Tables::HeaderComponent View Component to accept a new attribute to be rendered.

Created by Joe Masilotti
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We want to explore how are the stories generated using the new chatgpt api model
Here's the documentation of the new model
It should be as easy as changing the usage of the old endpoint for the new one and configure parameters properly.
But first we need to update the open ai gem first.
We are using this gem:
Otherwise you wont be able to use the new endpoint.
Please make sure you update every usage of the gem to the new endpoint.
They are mostly used in the jobs (app/jobs directory)

Created by Benjamín Silva
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I'm attempting to build Magic: The Gathering, but in Ruby. As a bit of Ruby practice, your task would be to find a card to implement. You can use the existing cards as examples, particularly cards like Story Keeper. 

Easy cards to implement would be these vanilla ones: 

If you're looking for more of a challenge, pick something from the recent set:

I'll pay you $2.50 for each vanilla card, and $5 for each non-vanilla card, up to a total of $50USD.

Created by Ryan Bigg
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When we have more projects on the Beginner Bounties site, we're going to need to have pagination. Your job will be to add pagination using the Pagy gem to both index pages for bounties.

Created by Chris Oliver
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There's currently some Open Graph, but no Twitter Card. Please add a Twitter Card so links on Twitter look great! ✨

Created by Emmanuel Hayford
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Add a post to the repos page of real-world-rails for RailsDevs.


Created by Joe Masilotti
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Avo is an admin panel framework for Ruby on Rails.
It has a few built-in fields from basic ones like text, select, and progress to complex ones like trix (WYSIWYG), markdown and key_value.
It would be amazing to have a location field too.
The field should take display the map (mapbox, openstreet, or gmaps) on the show view and two inputs (lat & long) on the edit view.
Nice to have:
- select location on a map instead of text fields on edit view
- show a tooltip with the location map on index view

Documentation for custom field creation:
Chat where we can help with navigating the codebase

Created by Adrian Marin
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